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Dear Parents and Guardians,

We hope this letter finds you well and filled with excitement as we approach the start of the 2024/2025 school year at Saugerties High School. The faculty and staff have been eagerly preparing to welcome back our students for another year of learning, growth, and success.

This past year, the District adopted its new Blueprint for Excellence (the District's strategic plan which will be revisited yearly). This was based on community responses to surveys and in-person workshops. The plan builds off of our history and outlines four priority areas.  They are: 

  • Academic Excellence: We will provide all students with an academically challenging experience that emphasizes the development of skills and knowledge that aligns to the Saugerties Portrait of a Graduate and New York State Standards.

  • Family/Community Engagement: We will increase family/community engagement.

  • Professional Culture: We will create/foster/nurture quality professional learning tailored to all staff needed for student success. 

  • The Student Experience: We will create an environment where all students want to come to a school where they feel welcomed, successful in their work, recognized for their efforts, and supported in all areas.  

The entire Blueprint for Excellence can be explored here:

As always, I would like to take a few minutes to remind everyone that ATTENDANCE MATTERS.  Regular school attendance is vital to student success. We believe that when students attend school consistently, they have greater opportunities to develop stronger relationships with their peers and teachers, engage in meaningful learning experiences, and to build a solid foundation for future academic achievements.

AM Student Drop-off & Student Drivers:
If you drop your student off in the morning, they must be in class by 7:45 AM. Please plan accordingly to allow your child enough time to get to their first-period class.  

Counseling Update:
There have been some changes to the counseling assignments for the 2024-2025 school year. Below you will find the counselor assigned to your child. 

  • Mr. Thomann: Grade 8 (L-Z) & Grade 9 (A-R) / Extension 2802

  • Dr. Catalano: Grade 9 (S-Z) & all of Grade 10 / Extension 1803

  • Ms. Heilmann: All of Grade 11 / Extension 1806

  • Ms. Madden: All of Grade 12 / Extension 1805

Main Entrance:
All students/parents/visitors must report to the BLUE doors of the building beginning September 4, 2024. 

The building will open at 7:25 AM for students to get breakfast in the cafeteria. Students must be in their classes by 7:45 AM.  

Cellphone Expectations:
I wanted to take a moment and remind everyone of Saugerties High School’s cell phone policy. Electronic devices, including but not limited to cell phones, handheld video games, digital music and video devices, personal digital assistants, etc. (except those required for medical or educational access reasons), may not be used or displayed during the school day. For this purpose, the school day begins when a student enters the building in the morning and ends when the student leaves the building at the end of his/her academic day (including after school activity/extra-help period). 

During instructional periods, students at SHS are expected to keep their phones away and silenced. Teachers will also have a dedicated space in the classroom for students to place their phones. Again, all phones must be put away and silenced. There will be no cellphone use in the classroom. 

These devices are also prohibited at all times in locker rooms, bathrooms, or any area where a student has a reasonable expectation of privacy. If these rules are violated, the device will be confiscated and held until picked up by a parent or guardian. 

The ability to be free of distraction so that students can concentrate on learning is extremely valuable, and we appreciate your support with this expectation. By working together, we can maintain a positive and productive learning environment at Saugerties High School. We encourage families to proactively discuss these expectations with their children. 

ID Badges:
As part of our ongoing commitment to prioritizing the safety and security of both our students and staff, students will be required to wear their student ID badge during school hours this year. Wearing ID badges enhances our ability to monitor access to the campus and quickly identify students throughout the building. Students will receive their ID during PE class the first week of school. All students at both the Junior & Senior High School will be required to wear their photo identification cards (ID badges) while on school grounds. Once all ID badges have been distributed, students must have them visible while entering the building in the morning. If you forget your badge, you must obtain a temporary badge in the lobby. 

We encourage all of our students to become involved in the many clubs and organizations here at Saugerties High School. A complete list will be provided in the upcoming weeks (via newsletter). 

The Saugerties Central School District seeks to create an environment free of harassment, bullying and discrimination. Therefore, the District prohibits all forms of harassment and bullying of students by employees or other students on school property and at school functions. In addition, other acts of harassment, bullying, and/or discrimination that occur off school property may be subject to discipline. If you have any questions about the DASA process, please reach out to one of the DASA coordinators at the school or contact the main office for more information. 

General News:
To stay updated on the latest school news, events, and important announcements, we encourage you to visit our official website at []. Our website serves as a comprehensive resource, featuring the school calendar, staff directory, curriculum information, and much more. The high school will also be sending out bi-weekly newsletters letting you know what’s happening at the school, inside the classrooms, and highlighting all our talented students here at SHS. 

Additionally, we invite you to join our vibrant online community by following our Facebook page at []. By connecting with us on social media, you can participate in our school's exciting activities, view photos from events, and engage in discussions with other parents and members of our school community. Parents are also encouraged to download the Saugerties CSD app for quick access to important news, announcements, calendars, and links. Find the Saugerties CSD app on google play or the app store.

We value the strong partnership between our school and parents, and we believe that together, we can create an environment where each student can thrive academically and personally. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

Lastly, please make sure your current contact information is up to date in our school record system. We rely on this system to send important messages from the District via text and/or email. If you've recently changed your phone number or email you will be able to make revisions on the demographic form (yellow) that will be sent home with each student on the first day of school. 

Portal Link:
Portal Support:

Thank you for entrusting us with your child's education. We look forward to a fantastic school year filled with growth, learning, and memorable experiences.

To email an employee, use the email listed, followed by

Shannon Molyneaux
Principal Grades 9-12
(845) 247-6651

Secretary to the Principal
(845)247-6651 Ext. 1701
Email: kkeefe

Photo of Director of Athletics and Assistant Principal Lee Molyneaux
assistant Principal
Grades 10-12
Email: lmolyneaux
(845) 247-6651

Secretary to the Assistant Principal
(845)247-6651 Ext. 1702
Email: jjensen
Chelsea Defino Assistant Principal
Email: cdefino

Secretary to the Assistant Principal and Secondary Attendance
(845)247-6651 Ext. 2702
Email: dthompson
Photo outside the HS